Solar Energy and You: A Quick Installation Reference Guide

EEBA Takes a look at a few things to know before you get started

Solar panels are becoming a more accessible option for energy savings. Homeowners who want to “go green” can enjoy a bevy of benefits when using solar, including financial savings and feeling better about their contributions to society. You can reduce or even eliminate energy bills because of the amount of sunshine you’re collecting and the energy you’re storing. For this reason, as of 2019, Pew Research found that 6 percent of U.S. homeowners had installed solar panels at home, and 46 percent said that they are considering it -- and those numbers continue to rise. 

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Radical Change Takes Radical Cooperation

By Joe Emerson, Mary MacLeod, and Aaron Smith

Times of world-wide crisis call for radical cooperation. Given the magnitude of the climate crisis, the potential devastation of its effects, and the inability of central governments to manage the crisis, it is up to local governments, non-profit organizations and citizens to move the world on the path to zero carbon. To that end, EEBATeam Zero, and Zero Energy Project are now joining hands to build a citizens’ movement for zero carbon.

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The 2021 EEBA Team Zero Inventory of Zero Energy Homes Is Now Underway

Report includes single and multifamily, net producer, net zero, 'zero-energy ready' units in US and Canada

The Energy & Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA) is embarking on the 6th annual EEBA Team Zero Inventory of Zero Energy Homes and invites all zero energy (ZE) builders, designers, architects, developers and owners to upload their projects to the database.

The yearly report tracks ZE single and multifamily home trends and leaders across the U.S. and Canada. Currently, the Inventory includes ~28,000 ZE projects voluntarily submitted.

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Corporate Environmental Stewardship Matters

brought to you by EEBA Sponsor, ProVia

When homeowners think about features they want in entry doors and replacement windows, energy efficiency is typically at the top of the list. Energy-efficient products save money, add comfort, provide better return on investment, and most importantly help protect our environment. But what about the manufacturing processes that go into making home exterior products? If you’re concerned about the environment, you can spec products that are made by companies committed to protecting it.

EEBA Sponsor: ProVia

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Revive Your Home: Questions to Ask as You Remodel Post-Pandemic

by Seth Murphy

With businesses opening and life becoming more normal after COVID-19, you may want to start fresh, too. The best place to begin is with your home. Rearranging, remodeling, and refreshing your home sustainably can make it feel like a real new start. Begin by asking yourself the following questions to figure out how to revive your home post-pandemic.

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The 10 Traits Of A Sustainable City And Eco-Friendly Urban Planning

by Christina Lee

A green future depends on sustainable cities. It might sound contradictory, but it’s actually greener for people to reside in urban environments. In order to preserve what’s left of the natural environment, human settlements must not encroach on these areas. As the global population continues to grow at an exponential rate, cities and urban planners face the challenge of sustainability. Fortunately, many cities are succeeding. Here are the ten characteristics of a sustainable city as a result of environmentally-conscious urban planning.

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Energy Math

by Rick Barnett

Global carbon emissions dropped with the onset of Covid-19; however, with the increase in human activity in recent months, emissions are on the rise again. Additionally, the annual increase in carbon pollution over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases. With the acceleration of this growth, the possibility of a 1.5* C warming peak may have passed. 

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Building the Homes of the Future

by Amanda Winstead

Nearly two centuries ago, American author and environmentalist, Henry David Thoreau, borrowed a friend’s axe, high-tailed it out to the banks of Walden Pond, Massachusetts, and built himself a one-room log cabin by the water. But building the homes of the future has gotten quite a bit more complicated in the last 200 years. Yet, with today’s technology, the homes of tomorrow promise to be every bit as environmentally friendly as Thoreau’s modest little homestead in the woods.  

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The Environmental Impact of Building Materials

by Amanda Winstead

As the effects of climate change have become more apparent around the world, sustainability is a major talking point in every industry. In the realm of architecture and construction, the materials we use matter to the natural environment, as well as our own health.

Here’s what you need to know about green building, as well as the environmental and economic benefits of choosing eco-friendly materials, whether you’re building or planning a sustainable single-family home, commercial building, or another type of structure.

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