Posts in Category: business

Unlocking the Power of High-Performance Homes: A Marketing Coordinator's Take on Building Science Education

Noyes Development
Unlocking the Power of High-Performance Homes: A Marketing Coordinator
Noyes Development, based in Oregon, is a high-performance home builder and EEBA Member Builder who is empowering their staff to learn about building science and advances in sustainably constructing better homes through the EEBA Academy. Founded in 1993 by Peter Noyes, they have secured a solid reputation over the past 30 years by building high-quality, classy, and innovative homes while setting the leading standard in home building. Alex Vidal, their Marketing Coordinator, is one of their staff dedicated to deepening his knowledge and has completed over 10 EEBA courses and designations - which he displays in his office. Tell us about your display! I initially had a blank wall in my office, but after hanging up my first certificate, followed by the second, and then the third, I felt compelled to continue. Not only does it serve as a personal achievement, but it also showcases the expertise of our team when visitors, whether current homeowners or prospective ones, stop by our... read more

Competitive Differentiation for Growth

A Practical How-To For Any Business Leader

In this webinar, David Bernadino goes over the role of competitive differentiation and why it is critical to any marketing strategy. Bernadino gives an overview of some of the tools and techniques to assess your brand versus your competitors and how to apply this to any marketing strategy.

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Lessons Learned for Thriving During an Economic Downturn

Excerpts from George Casey's presentation at the EEBA Builder Benchmark Group (BBG) Retreat 2022

Know what business you're in and capitalize for it. Are you a developer? Are you a builder? Are you in and titeler? And those of you who do multiple things, each one of them requires a different capital structure. If you're doing the land business, you better have a lot of equity but, if you are a builder, you can have a reasonable amount of debt because you're spinning your inventory relatively fast. You should ask yourself, are we capitalized correctly? 

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