Posts From November, 2021

Corporate Environmental Stewardship Matters

brought to you by EEBA Sponsor, ProVia

When homeowners think about features they want in entry doors and replacement windows, energy efficiency is typically at the top of the list. Energy-efficient products save money, add comfort, provide better return on investment, and most importantly help protect our environment. But what about the manufacturing processes that go into making home exterior products? If you’re concerned about the environment, you can spec products that are made by companies committed to protecting it.

EEBA Sponsor: ProVia

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Revive Your Home: Questions to Ask as You Remodel Post-Pandemic

by Seth Murphy

With businesses opening and life becoming more normal after COVID-19, you may want to start fresh, too. The best place to begin is with your home. Rearranging, remodeling, and refreshing your home sustainably can make it feel like a real new start. Begin by asking yourself the following questions to figure out how to revive your home post-pandemic.

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The 10 Traits Of A Sustainable City And Eco-Friendly Urban Planning

by Christina Lee

A green future depends on sustainable cities. It might sound contradictory, but it’s actually greener for people to reside in urban environments. In order to preserve what’s left of the natural environment, human settlements must not encroach on these areas. As the global population continues to grow at an exponential rate, cities and urban planners face the challenge of sustainability. Fortunately, many cities are succeeding. Here are the ten characteristics of a sustainable city as a result of environmentally-conscious urban planning.

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Energy Math

by Rick Barnett

Global carbon emissions dropped with the onset of Covid-19; however, with the increase in human activity in recent months, emissions are on the rise again. Additionally, the annual increase in carbon pollution over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases. With the acceleration of this growth, the possibility of a 1.5* C warming peak may have passed. 

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